Morning Star Hedgehogs Adapted Code of Ethics:
Our code of ethics is modeled after the International Hedgehog Association code of ethics.
As a responsible breeder, I
· will not knowingly breed an unhealthy hedgehog
· will not sell an animal with significant health issues. If a minor health issue is present, I will provide full disclosure and follow-up assistance.
· will keep alert for and work to eradicate inherited problems.
· will obtain and maintain all required local, regional, and/or federal licensing.
· will represent my hedgehogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and will try to assist the serious novice in their understanding.
· will not knowingly falsify any records, pedigrees, or registrations.
· will not perform any inbreeding and will not purposely breed first through 6th generation relatives.
· will ensure that I have experience with hedgehogs as a species and with breeding animals in general before undertaking a hedgehog breeding project.
· will ensure adequate health care for my hedgehogs.
· will not knowingly breed a hedgehog that may carry a health problem that is suspected of being genetically linked.
· will make a written copy of my policies and guarantees available to all customers, including replacement policy.
· will feed my hedgehogs a species appropriate diet.
· will make reasonable efforts to keep my cages free from filth.
· will provide clean food and water.
· will provide an environment that is within an appropriate temperature range and understand that atelerix albiventris and/or atelerix algirus are not meant to hibernate.
· will keep records of my lineage.
· will provide cages that are sufficiently sized for adequate movement, and that provide adequate ventilation.
· will make reasonable efforts to ensure that buyers of my hedgehogs are not making an uninformed, impulse purchase and can provide appropriate, long-term care.
· will not allow babies to leave my care until they are weaned and able to thrive independent of mom, recognizing that this is generally around 6 - 7 weeks old, and they must meet a weight criteria of 180 -200 grams
· Will not openly sell hedgehogs to persons in places where they are illegal, regardless of the level of enforcement that takes place and I will not willingly sell or place a hedgehog into a potentially dangerous situation and/or environment.